Book an appointment
The quickest and easiest way to book an appointment is by using the AskFirst App. Click here for more information about the AskFirst app and what appointments can be booked online. If you are not comfortable with online systems you can call us on 01844 344488 after 8:00am or book in person at reception after 8:30am.
Do you need to cancel an appointment?
You can cancel your appointment online using the AskFirst App. Alternatively call us on 01844 344488. Every appointment that you don't cancel costs the NHS £120.
Calling to book an appointment
You can make doctor or nurse appointments by phone. For a doctor’s appointment you can request a face-to face or a phone consultation. There are a limited number of face-to-face appointments and, should you have a telephone consultation, the doctor will offer you a face-to-face consultation at a later time if they think it is appropriate. It is helpful if you can give the receptionist a short resume of your problem as, in some cases, they may offer you a more appropriate clinician to a doctor’s appointment.
Our phone line opens at 8 am and your call will be automatically queued. The first 8 calls in the queue will be answered in turn. The remaining calls will be automatically queued and you can select to have callback. You DO NOT lose your place in the queue! You will receive an automatic call back, when it is your turn in the queue. It is helpful if you can avoid using your phone until you receive your call back. However, if your phone is engaged you will receive 2 further call backs. After that, you will no longer be in the queue and will need to ring back to the Practice. You will be prioritised to the front of the queue if you call back on the same day from the same number.
Home Visits
The doctors will visit patients at home if they are truly housebound or terminally ill. It is helpful to phone as early in the day as possible ideally before 10:30 am. Visits are usually done between morning and afternoon surgery. The doctor will always phone back first to gather more information to assess the urgency and that the problem cannot be resolved over the telephone or by referral to a more appropriate service.
Patients are reminded that the surgery is much better equipped to assess medical problems than the home environment and doctors can see many more patients in surgery in the time required for a home visit.
Please note this may be a different clinician or a visiting paramedic instead of your usual doctor.
Woman's Health Drop In Clinic
We offer a HRT and Contraception drop-in clinic on selected Tuesdays 14.15 - 18.00 at Lincoln House in Princes Risborough. No appointment necessary.
The clinic will cover the following:
- Pill checks
- Contraception - initial consultations, queries, counselling and initiation of any contraception methods
- Provision of Depo-Provera injections
- HRT - initial consultations, reviews and queries
Please note this is not a diagnostic clinic and is only for patients registered with The Cross Keys Practice. For all other queries please contact reception to book an appointment in the normal way.
Upcoming clinic dates:
Tuesday 25th February 2025
Tuesday 4th March 2025
Tuesday 11th March 2025
Tuesday 18th March 2025
Tuesday 25th March 2025
Patient-led referrals to local pharmacies via AskFirst
Cross Keys Practice patients are now able to self-refer for same day appointment booking with a local community pharamacist offering an enhanced NHS service called Pharmacy First. Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals and experts in medicines with upwards of five years of training. They can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for all sorts of minor illnesses and ailments, and a same day consultation can be arranged quickly and at a time to suit you. Appointments with the pharmacist can be made for things such as:
- Cold or Flu symptoms
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Diarrhoea
- Skin / Rash issues
- Hayfever
- Constipation
Appointments can be booked via the AskFirst app using the "routine appointments" tab and then selecting "other".
If you require an interpreter for an appointment (face to face or telephone) please notify the receptionist when booking your appointment and she will arrange this for you.
You have the right to have a Chaperone present during any examination procedure. Please speak to the doctor or a member of the reception team.
A Chaperone may be a clinical or non-clinical member of staff but should be aware of the procedural aspects of personal examinations or will be advised by the GP on the day.
If a Chaperone is not available, your consultation should be rearranged for a mutually convenient time when a Chaperone can be present.
In some instances the clinician may request a Chaperone to be present.
Enhanced Access
We offer an extra 6 hours per week of appointments outside our normal working day. These appointments will vary from week to week.
- Early mornings from 07:00
- Evenings until 20:00
- Saturdays 09:00-13:00
They will also be split between the Risborough and Chinnor locations.
All appointments will be pre-booked only.
We are unable to offer any walk-in or emergency appointments and we would ask that you use the normal out of hours service, NHS 111.
We would also ask those patients who can attend during our normal hours, to continue to do so, leaving the extended hours for those patients who find it difficult to attend during the day.
When we are closed
If you need to see a doctor during the evening, night or weekend, simply phone 111. Alternatively use the AskFirst app to check your symptoms and they will provide advice on when you need to be seen and offer any approriate appointments that are available including advice on when to contact NHS 111.
Please note this service is for emergencies only and we would ask you to try and use the service appropriately.
Please do not ask to see a doctor out of hours unless you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.
Call 999 in an emergency.