Training Practice
The Cross Keys Practice is a training practice, meaning that we take doctors who have been working in hospitals and train them to be GPs. The job title of the training doctor is 'GP Registrar'. Dr Neale is our GP Trainer, but all of the practice team are involved in the training to some extent.
We sometimes also have medical students in the practice who are gaining experience of a whole variety of doctors' jobs.
On occasion, there might be a doctor or student in on your consultation; this is an important part of GP training. You will always be warned about this before you go in. If you would rather not have someone else sitting in then you have the choice to ask the learner to sit outside for the consultation, or to re-book.

GP Training
From leaving school, it takes a minimum of nine years to train as a Family Doctor or General Practitioner. Some of the doctors here have worked in other hospital-based specialities before becoming GPs. All of the GPs at Cross Keys are members or fellows of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP or FRCGP) by passing the College's examinations.
GP Appraisal
Every GP is engaged in the Appraisal process, which ensures that GPs continue to learn and develop. The process involves looking back at the past year to identify strengths and areas to develop for the next year. GPs meet to discuss this with an Appraiser annually.
Practice Nurse Training
Nurses have completed core hospital training and are Registered General Nurses (RGN). They have worked for several years in the hospital setting after which they have gained further experience in the community. They attend courses during the year to learn new skills and increase their experience.
Health Visitors
Registered Health Visitors are Registered General Nurses with 2 years post-registration experience who have then completed a year's course to degree level.
Video Consultations
Occasionally you will be warned that your consultation will be recorded on video. There is a consent form to fill out; a consultation cannot be filmed without the patient's consent. Please note that any filmed material is confidential. It will be shown to the minimum number of people possible; some video consultations are never reviewed.
Video consultations are a powerful way of learning for Registrars, students, and also for well-established GPs. It enables doctors to hone their consultation techniques and become aware of improvements needed or skills they were not aware they had.