Our Services

Long Term Condition Reviews
Our Doctors and Practice Nurses are experienced in dealing with a range of long term conditions. Generally these conditions will need an annual review to ensure you continue to receive the best level of care. These conditions include but are not limited to:
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Dementia
- Diabetes
- Heart Failure
- Learning Disabilities
- Mental Health

NHS Health Checks
NHS Health Checks are free for people who are aged 40 to 74 who do not have a range of pre-existing conditions. You should be invited to an NHS Health Check by your GP every 5 years.
If you think you are eligible but have not been invited, contact us. To find out more about an NHS Health Check click here.

We have a Paramedic who works alongside our GPs and Nurses to diagnose and treat Minor illnesses. They are highly qualified and experienced and provide in depth knowledge of a full range of Minor Illnesses.
Use of other clinicians such as Paramedics allows our GPs to spend their time on more complex issues.

- Spirometry
- Dressings
- Leg Bandaging
- Dopplers
- BP
- Immunisations
- Swabs
- Blood tests
- Vitamin B12 injections
- Childhood Immunisations
- Cervical smears
- Urinalysis
- Drop in Woman's Clinic

Private Services
Please note these are all private therapists and are not employed or endorsed by the Practice
Breastfeeding Support - Luci Lishman 01494 257525
Cranial & Paediatric Osteopathy - Felicity Bertin 07970 807625
Foot care - Julia Adam 07939 574789
Acupuncture - Rebecca Cox 01844 347656 / 07768 955261
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy - Chrissie Edley 07555 131079 - does not offer appointments on the NHS
Contact Reception for other service

Maternity and Antenatal Services
When you become aware you are pregnant, let us know. We can then arrange for the midwife to be in touch.
When you are 6 weeks postpartum we will do checks on yourself and your baby to ensure you are both healthy and have all the support on offer to you.

Non NHS Services
We offer a range of Non NHS services including TWIMC letters and Private Medicals. For a full list of fees please click here.

PCN Services
Phoenix Health PCN has a growing, multi-disciplinary team who help our GP practice to care for and provide additional services to our patients.
Physiotherapists offer telephone consultations on weekday evenings and face to face appointments at Cross Keys Practice on a Saturday morning. Your GP will refer you to the physiotherapy services if appropriate.
Phoenix Health PCN is working with FedBucks to provide these checks on a Saturday morning at Cross Keys Practice
A Health Care Assistant from FedBucks can do certain dressings on a Saturday morning at Cross Keys Practice. Your GP practice nurse will be able to arrange this if it is suitable for your need. Your practice will supply the dressing and you will need to bring this to your appointment.
The PCN Pharmacy Team work closely with us to optimise the best medicines for patients by carrying out Medication Reviews, ensuring prescribing is patient focussed, safe and following the latest guidelines to produce the best possible patient outcomes.
The PCN Specialist Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) is available to support and advise the practice teams on mental health in the context of complex patients, signposting, referrals to mental health teams and services, and teaching.
Consisting of Care Co-ordinators, Social Prescribers and Health & Well-being Coaches this team work to improve the health and well-being of patients who need non-medical help and support to improve their lives by sign posting to local services and offers of support, helping people who are feeling lonely or isolated, providing coaching to empower and motivate patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

GP Training
The Cross Keys Practice is a training practice, meaning that we take doctors who have been working in hospitals and train them to be GPs. The job title of the training doctor is 'GP Registrar'. Dr Neale is our GP Trainer, but all of the practice team are involved in the training to some extent.
We sometimes also have medical students in the practice who are gaining experience of a whole variety of doctors' jobs.
On occasion, there might be a doctor or student in on your consultation; this is an important part of GP training. You will always be warned about this before you go in. If you would rather not have someone else sitting in then you have the choice to ask the learner to sit outside for the consultation, or to re-book.
For more information click here.

Travel Vaccinations
We no longer offer a travel clinic at The Cross Keys Practice which means we are unable to offer travel vaccnation advice or administer any travel vaccines not available on the NHS.
For more information on where you can get travel vaccines and what vaccines you may need click here.
Note to children/parents of, seeking private ADHD assessment
We are sympathetic to the issues that the long waiting lists for ADHD diagnosis on the NHS are causing patients and their families and hoping that these problems are addressed with increased capacity. These waiting times can sometimes result in parents choosing to have a private assessment and possibly be prescribed medication privately. At Cross Keys we are unable to enter into shared care treatment with private providers. If a medication is initiated, this will need to be prescribed privately. You can request to your GP that a referral is made to the local BHT commissioned NHS providers. However waiting times are long, and we would only be able to take over prescribing once assessed on the NHS and stabilised on medication with an appropriate shared care protocol.
Note to Adults seeking ADHD assessment
Services for Adults with suspected ADHD have very long waits nationally, and our local provider has closed to new referrals. At Cross Keys we will not be able to enter into "shared care" arrangements with online/remote/other providers for Adult ADHD care, and therefore may not recommend an NHS referral at all. Or we may be able to refer to an alternative provider "for assessment/diagnosis only", but not able to share care for treatment. We may suggest a referral to the private sector, but would not be expected to enter into "shared care" with private specialists, as the NHS GP. This is a "commissioning gap" - where the services available on the NHS do not meet the needs of the population - and it has been raised locally and nationally. You may wish to raise it yourself, e.g. with your local MP and/or with the ICB bobicb.plannedcare@nhs.net.